Dr. A.W. Chase, Son & Company

Doctor Alvin Wood Chase was a resident of Ann Arbor, Michigan, but his patent medicines were manufactured in Toledo, Ohio. They consisted, in part, of Dr. A.W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, Dr. W.A. Chase's Ointment, the only unfailing cure for piles, salt rheum, eczema, scald head and all itchy skin diseases, Dr. A.W. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and Dr. A. W. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, a certain cure for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coughs, colds and consumption in its early stages. Three stamps were issued for the company in 1877. 7,144 of the one-cent, 4,200 of the two-cent and 4,200 of the four-cent stamps were issued on silk paper, or, in the case of the one-cent stamp, some number of that total were issued on watermarked paper. The two- and four-cent stamps were not issued after1877, while the watermarked one-cent stamps were issued prior to October 1, 1880. Although the stamps were issued in small quantities many are known with full gum, indicating that few were used.
