Doctor Williams Medicine Company
Pink Pills for Pale People were first produced in Brockville, Ontario. In the late 1800's Willis T. Hanson of Schenectady, New York acquired sole distribution rights for the United States, and The Doctor Williams Medicine Company was set up with brances in New York and Ontario. In several more years there were branch offices in London, Paris, Sydney, Cape Town, Bombay, Rio de Janeiro, and Mexico City. Apparently, though, there was no Doctor Williams associated with the company, and never had been.
Private die stamps were applied for in 1899. 480,000 of them were printed.
The company also used general issue proprietary stamps. These were rubber stamped or canceled with either "W.T. H. Co." and the date, or as above.
A Williams cover mailed from Schenectady to Mexico City in 1900.
A Williams brochure probably dating from the time of the cover, if not sent in it. Among the other benefits claimed for the pink pills is the cure for loss of memory, confusion of ideas and irritability of temper - when combined with pure living and a nightly ice-cold bath...