R. R. R. (Radway & Company)
J. & R.G. Radway & Company was formed around 1848 to produce and market Radway's Ready Relief, Conqueror of Pain. Then came Radway's Regulating Pills and Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillan Resolvent, among others. Their private die stamp was first issued February 1, 1867 and last delivered March 1, 1883. 2,416,000 were printed on old paper, 4,394,976 on silk paper and 2,143,226 on pink and watermarked papers. This copy is on watermarked paper.
General issue stamps were used for charges other than two cents, as well as prior to delivery of the private dies. Facsimile labels used after June 30, 1883 are also known.
A Radway cover from 1876.
The enclosure from the cover above.
Radway again used general issue stamps to pay the Spanish American War tax, but also had a private die prepared and delivered around April of 1899. No figures are given for the number printed.
The stamps were perforated by rouletting and hyphen hole. This copy has hyphen hole perfs.
A box of Radway's Pills from the late 1930's.