Kennedy & Company
K. & Company
R. Monroe Kennedy was located in Pittsburgh. He was responsible for the production of Dr. Radcliffe's Great Remedy, The Great Vegetable Pain Destroyer, Seven Seals or Golden Wonder - that's the name of one nostrum, not four.
Black, two-cent stamps bearing a portrait of Kennedy were issued from July of 1872 until December 4, 1880. 1,252,550 were printed on silk paper and 932,811 on pink and watermarked papers. This one is on watermarked paper.
Kennedy apparently reduced the price of Golden Wonder or decided to supply it in smaller bottles, as the one-cent green stamp was issued under the name "K. & Co." from June14, 1881 until January 24, 1883. 567,000 were printed, all on watermarked paper.
An advertising card for Dr. Radcliffe's Great Remedy, featuring a money-back guarantee of cure. Note that it was "Equally good for Man or Beast." The concoction reportedly consisted of ether, chloroform, camphor, oil of peppermint and red pepper.
A facsimile used by Kennedy & Company after June 30, 1883. The quality of printing is inferior, and for some reason the dog running in the street to lower right was removed from the design.