Holman Liver Pad Company
"Holman's Fever and Ague and Liver Pad - Cures without medicine, simply by Absorption....The only true cure for, and preventative of Malaria, in all its forms. Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Yellow Fever, Sea-Sickness, Neuralgia, Bilious Disorders, &c., &c." Holman also offered Spleen Belts, Abdominal Pads, Pectoral Pads and Absorptive Medicinal Foot Plasters (for Cold Feet, Headaches and Sluggish Circulation, per pair, 25¢), among other items.
208,280 of the Holman one-cent stamps were issued from 1879 until April 20, 1882. 216,438 of the four-cent ones were issued from 1879 until April 4, 1882. All were printed on watermarked paper.
This crude item was probably cut from an almanac page.
After 1883 the Holman Pad Company had facsimile labels printed. Why they continued to do so in two denominations when there was no longer a tax payable is not known.
These imperforate facsimiles appear to have been printed after the plates were becoming worn. They make Dr. George W. Holman look rather primitive.